Vanguard Consulting Group (VCG) provides specialist and quality services as well as training in accounting and financial reporting for local government councils. VCG gives specialist advice relevant to all aspects of financial accounting in local government.
Our services are innovative, high quality and always on time.
Our products can help local government finance professionals to deal with such a scarce resource as time.
Quality of our services are supported by extensive financial accounting and audit experience of our team members.
We always get positive feedback on what we do.
Some of the latest feedback from our clients are presented below.
Dr. Igor Ivannikov

Igor is an accounting expert with nearly 20 years experience. Igor’s background is external audit of private and public sector entities in Australia (including NSW Local Government councils) and overseas. Igor is a chartered accountant and a fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ).
Igor is a member of two AASB Project Advisory Panels: Conceptual Framework Project Advisory Panel and Fair Value Project Advisory Panel.
Igor is also a researcher at the Centre for Local Government (CLG) at the University of New England (UNE) working on problems in financial accounting and reporting in local government.
The recent articles:
Igor was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy degree, discipline in Economics, in the University of New England for the thesis "Problems in Accounting and Reporting of Property, Plant and Equipment in New South Wales Local Government"
Igor is an endorsed consultant by LG Solutions.
“Igor is the ultimate professional and is an expert in financial statement preparation and asset accounting. The assistance Igor provided to Tenterfield Shire Council was invaluable and resulted in improved outcomes in both the timeliness and accuracy of Council’s Financial Statements.
Igor’s audit background has also assisted Council in liaising with Council’s contract Auditor and the NSW Audit Office.
I highly recommend Igor to any Council interested in improving the timeliness and accuracy of their Financial Statements and particularly in improving asset data and reporting.”
Paul Della
Manager Finance & Technology
Tenterfield Shire Council
“Thank you so much for all your hard work. The ISAP, updates and liaising with the auditors are great services and you should be proud of what you are doing!
I think you are offering great value for money... The team loved meeting you and we all said that we would like to work again with you in the future!”
Vanessa Browning
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Hawkesbury City Council